Prenatal Care Specialist

Plaza Towers OBGYN
OB-GYNs located in Westchester, Los Angeles, CA & Santa Monica, CA
Prenatal care plays a critical role in ensuring mothers and babies stay healthy throughout pregnancy. Plaza Towers Ob-Gyn doctors are experienced in all aspects of prenatal care, helping women in Santa Monica, CA, feel confident about their pregnancies and the health of their babies.
Prenatal Care Q & A
What is involved in a prenatal exam?
During your prenatal exam, your blood pressure will be evaluated, you'll be weighed, and you'll usually be asked for a urine sample to check for signs of infection or other problems. Blood work, ultrasounds or other tests may be performed or ordered, and your belly will be measured to check on the baby's growth. If you have a high-risk pregnancy, other tests may be ordered to check on your health and the health of your baby. You'll also have a chance to ask the doctor questions and discuss concerns you may have.
How often will I need to see the doctor during my pregnancy?
In most cases, you'll start out seeing the doctor every month until your 28th week; then you'll visit the office every two weeks until week 36, at which time you'll come in every week until delivery. Women with high-risk pregnancies may have to visit the doctor more often.
What can I do to make sure I stay healthy during pregnancy?
Taking good care of yourself if the best thing you can do for your baby. That means eating a good diet, getting plenty of exercise and rest, quitting smoking, not drinking alcohol, avoiding caffeine and seeing the doctor for all of your appointments. Don't take any medicines of supplements – even over-the-counter products – without checking with your doctor first.
I have HPV; can it hurt my baby?
HPV has not been linked with miscarriages or birth defects, and in most cases, there are no delivery-related risks either. In a very few cases, the baby may develop a throat infection following delivery. If you have HPV, you should tell your doctor so you can get all the care and information you need to stay healthy.